Winter Solstice 2023

Our Winter Solstice evening on Friday 23 June was a huge success and a wonderful way to celebrate the end of a busy Term 2.

At Brunswick Kindergarten we love celebrating this very special evening, and it serves as a reminder for our families, children and educators the importance of coming together and appreciating our wonderful kindergarten community, and what makes it so special and unique.

The evening was a wonderful opportunity to fill our memories with laughter, friends, food, and the warm fire.

The children were so excited to showcase their decorated lanterns and loved singing their special lantern song and most of all loved toasting their marshmallows by the warmth of the fire.

This celebration is indeed a very much loved event at Brunswick Kindergarten as it represents a strong sense of “community’, it was an evening filled with belonging and most of all connecting with family, friends, and teachers all enjoying the solstice amongst the beautiful natural surroundings of our kindergarten all adorned with fairy lights and the smell and crackling of the warm fire.

A huge thank you to all our fabulous Brunswick Kindergarten community families and staff that donated baked goodies, and especially our Committee Members who volunteered on the night.

The evening helped raise a significant amount for the Kindergarten.


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